Decimal to hexadecimal converter

Find the hexadecimal (hex) equivalent of the decimal number.


Decimal value — 300


For example: 300, 700


Decimal is a standard numeral system. It consists of 10 symbols (base 10): 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

# How do you convert from decimal to hexadecimal?

Here, a few simple steps are given to convert a decimal number into a hexadecimal number.

  • First, Divide the specified decimal number by 16.
  • Note down the value of remainder obtained.
  • Again, divide the result obtained by 16.
  • Continue repeating steps 2 and 3 until the result is 0.
  • The hexadecimal number equals to the digit sequence of the remainders from bottom to top (MSD to LSD)

Note: The division must be treated as an integer division.

Example: 16 decimal to hexadecimal

Division Result Remainder
16/16 1 0
1/16 0 1

Result. Hexadecimal number is 0x10.

# Decimal to hex conversion table

Decimal (base 10)

Hex (base 16)