Pounds to Ounces
Find how many pounds are equal to ounces (lbs to oz)
How many pounds in ounce
1 ounce (oz) = 0.0625 pounds (lbs)
How to convert pounds to ounces
Use the formula below for conversion:
ounces = pounds * 16
For example, let's convert 5 pounds to ounces:
ounces = 5 * 16 = 80 ounces
In result we'll receive that 5 pounds are equal to 80 ounces.
Pounds to ounces conversion
Pounds (lbs)
Ounces (oz)
16 oz
32 oz
48 oz
64 oz
80 oz
96 oz
112 oz
128 oz
144 oz
160 oz
320 oz
400 oz
480 oz
560 oz
640 oz
720 oz
800 oz
880 oz
960 oz
1040 oz
1120 oz
1200 oz
1280 oz
1360 oz
1440 oz
1520 oz
1600 oz
4800 oz
8000 oz
16000 oz