Tablespoons to Teaspoons
Tablespoons (tbsp) to teaspoons (tsp) conversion calculator
How many tablespoons in a teaspoon
1 teaspoon (tsp) = 0.333 tablespoons (tbsp)
How to convert tablespoons to teaspoons
To find teaspoons from tablespoons, you need to multiply tablespoons value by 3. See example below:
Let's convert 2 tablespoons to teaspoons:
2 * 3 = 6 teaspoons
Conversion of tablespoons to teaspoons
3.0 tsp
6.0 tsp
9.0 tsp
12.0 tsp
15.0 tsp
18.0 tsp
21.0 tsp
24.0 tsp
27.0 tsp
30.0 tsp
33.0 tsp
36.0 tsp
39.0 tsp
42.0 tsp
45.0 tsp
48.0 tsp
51.0 tsp
54.0 tsp
57.0 tsp
60.0 tsp