Tablespoons to Grams
Tablespoons (tbsp) to grams (g) conversion calculator
How many tablespoons in a gram
1 gram (g) = 0.066 tablespoons (tbsp)
How to convert tablespoons to grams
To find grams from tablespoons, you need to multiply tablespoons value by 15. See example below:
Let's convert 2 tablespoons to grams:
2 * 15 = 30 grams
Conversion of tablespoons to grams
15.0 g
30.0 g
45.0 g
60.0 g
75.0 g
90.0 g
105.0 g
120.0 g
135.0 g
150.0 g
165.0 g
180.0 g
195.0 g
210.0 g
225.0 g
240.0 g
255.0 g
270.0 g
285.0 g
300.0 g
315.0 g
330.0 g
345.0 g
360.0 g
375.0 g
390.0 g
405.0 g
420.0 g
435.0 g
450.0 g
465.0 g
480.0 g
495.0 g
510.0 g
525.0 g
540.0 g
555.0 g
570.0 g
585.0 g
600.0 g