Natural Log Calculator

Find the natural logarithm.

What is Natural Logarithm?

The natural logarithm of a number N is the power or exponent by which ‘e' must be lifted in order to equal N. The Napier constant, ‘e,' is approximately equal to 2.718281828.

N = x can also be written as N = ex

Natural logarithms are most commonly found in pure mathematics, such as calculus

Why is it called Natural Logarithms?

There are only three reasons why logarithms to the base e are simply called normal logarithms. The three reasons are as follows:

  1. e is a quantity that occurs constantly and rapidly in nature.
  2. Natural logarithms have the simplest derivatives of any logarithmic system.
  3. When calculating logarithms to any basis, logarithms to the base e are first measured, then multiplied by a constant determined by the system being calculated.

What is so special about Natural Log?

The natural log is the inverse function of an exponential function and is the logarithm to the base of the number e. Natural logarithms are logarithms that are used to solve time and growth problems. The foundations of logarithms and natural logs are logarithmic and exponential functions.

The letter “e” appears frequently on its own, and this leads to the frequent presence of the natural log, “ln.” Almost all of the applications and significance of e and ln are derived from calculus results, but those results are so far-reaching that they have become the norm and have made their way into everything.

What is E in Log?

The E in the log represents the natural number or Euler's number. It is an important mathematical constant that is approximately equal to 2.71828.

When a natural logarithm is used as the basis for a logarithm, the corresponding logarithm is known as the natural logarithm and is written as ln (x).